Capturing the gentle glow of twilight, Dusk collection integrates a folded sheet of bronzed glass with a spherical light source. Paying homage to the profound symbolism of the sun’s descent in Japanese cultural heritage, the collection breathes life into this timeless motif through the ethereal presence of the blown glass “sun,” cradled within the embrace of the fused glass “evening sky.” As the lamps are arranged in a harmonious procession, their varying heights and positions evoke the gradual manifestation of dusk, while their sculptural profile is emphasised by the lights’ muted glow.

Lamp 01 | W 360 × D 160 x H 450 mm
Lamp 02 | W 360 × D 160 x H 450 mm
Lamp 03 | W 360 × D 160 x H 450 mm
Lamp 04 | W 360 × D 160 x H 450 mm
Lamp 05 | W 360 × D 160 x H 450 mm

Sphere | Blown glass
Body | Fused glass




Nendo is a design firm founded in 2002 in Tokyo, with architect Oki Sato as its principal. The firm realizes its goal of bringing small “!” moments to people through its multidisciplinary practice whose media include architecture, interiors, furniture, industrial products, and graphic design. Nendo opened its Milan office in 2005 and its Singapore office in 2012. Nendo has since received numerous awards and recognition; Newsweek named Oki one of the world’s ‘100 Most Respected Japanese People’ and most recently, Oki earned the title of ‘Designer of the Year’ by both Wallpaper* and Elle Decoration magazines.